Then and Now

Q: Where were you born? A: I was born in West Allis Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Q: So you moved here from Milwaukee. When did you move here? A: I moved here Octobure in third grade.

Q: Do you regret the move? A: At the time I did, but now I would have to say no. Its not that I don't miss my friends, but I really think that I would not be the person I am to day.

Q: What changed your mind about the move? A: What first changed my mind was my third grade teacher. I use to really suck at math, but she acctully sat me down and helped me figure it out and now math is one of my best classes gade wise. Math can still be a little confusing. Another reson that I feel like the move was for the best is that I mite never have disscavered my love for reading in the fith grade or how much I like to sing in the sixth and I definitly wouldn't have had the oprotunity to do show choir if I had stayed where I was. Another thing lets admit it milwaukee isn't the safest place to grow up.

Q: Do you remember the names of your friends from Milwaukee? A: Yes I do there was Joe and Val who were my nextdoor neighbors. Then there was Forest and Chris who I got to know because our parents are friends.

Q: Do you keep in touch with them still? A: I don't keep in touch with Joe and Val, but then again Joe is a year older than me and Val is I beleave five years older. I still keep in constant contact with Forest and Chris though. We game with each other from time to time and we often go to there house during vecation times so we can play on the computer face to face. There are some computer games that you can't play across the internet that you can play locally.

Q: You say you go over to their house do they ever come to yours? A: Yes they do, but we don't have as many computers as they do so it is harder for all of us to play together.

Q: Why is it you only think of these four friends didn't you have any others? A: Well I guess I did but they weren't nesesarily friends. The most I did with them was hangout at school and a few birthday parties.

Q: what was the name of your school in Milwaukee? A: It was General Michel grade school.

Q: Do you have any particular good or bad memories of your school? A: There is one bad memory of a Bully named Guy in first grade. I'm not sure if that was his real name or not but I remember him coming to Art class one day with a girls name on his shirt say he liked her. That very same Art class that girl and here best friend passed me a note asking which one of them I like more. Well you can imagien how fritend I was not only was I at the age were girls were "yuky" but Guy had just anounced that he liked her. So when the next day he aproched me I thought I was in for it, but no he had just come over to give me a soda he bought for me from the vending machien. So I thought he wasn't upset with me and knew it was a misundersanding. I found out how wroung I was the next day. When I was heding down to the after school, I think it was called the "clubhouse" porgram but I'm not sure, when I saw Guy coming towrds me I thought nothing of it until I saw his eyes and how he was smiling and thats when I took off. He never cought me I was one of the fastes kids in our grade and I have frequintly hooped the fence at the top of the hill out side the school. From then on for the rest of the year he would chase me around the building if I wasn't with others.

Q: So what happened to him? The next year he had moved so I had a year with out him before I moved.

Q: Well that was a bad memory, but do you have any good memories at you school? A: Thoughs are bit I'm a bit fuzzy on but I would say that when the older kids would pick me amoung the first in capture the flag during the after school program. They chouse me because I was fast and wasn't afraid to climb the huge baseball gates that they put behinde home bass.

Book Boy

Friday, March 2, 2012

Non- fiction

For this post I am relating the subject of food to hearing using the facts found in the book Natural History of the Senses by: Diane Ackerman. The whole of the book describes how much our different senses affect our lives and perceptions of the out side world. In the chapter I read there was a lot of interesting things in it about how being able to hear the sounds around us affects us in a very profound way. An example is that the first sound we ever hear is that of our mother's heart beat and because of this when we hear a steady strong yet gentle beat it calms us down. This relates to food because we have associated a lot of our foods by the way they sound an example is when I hear meat sizzling on a frying pan I immediately think of bacon and my mouth starts to water even without smelling it or tasting it. From just that sound I can taste the grease goodness of the bacon. There are several other foods we most strongly associate with their sound, like Rice Krispies I mean who hasn't head the “Snap, Crackle, Pop!” of Rice Krispies. Then there is the satisfying crack of a Kit-Kat Bar. There are so many sounds that are in our food that make them more appealing. Do you think that a cracker would be the same if if wasn't crunchy Because I don't think it would be. The is something esthetic to the sound of food.

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